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Lydia 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

中興大學,中國醫藥大學英語, 數學家教老師,具GEPT全民英檢中級.

 多位中興大學,中國醫藥大學英語, 數學家教老師,具GEPT全民英檢中級, 有教學經驗, 附履歷.

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My teaching experience is primarily with English at an advanced level. I have written business copy for websites, trained newspaper editors while in Chicago, and have had many other students in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Business English, conversation and writing classes are my specialty, but I can also prepare you for the oral portion of the upcoming IELTS, TOEFL and GEPT exams. With my teaching comes a real world understanding of the English language, refined by years of academic achievement. I am also currently a student of Mandarin myself, which means I can appreciate life ‘from both sides of the desk.’ If you have an interest in seriously preparing for upcoming exams, or greatly expanding your English ability for other purposes, please feel free to contact me.


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