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Unit4.5  unit3.4  

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Screen shot 2012-04-01 at 12.29.00 AMWP DM 1.USA  WhisperPhone Solo and Duet help students gain confidence and overcome their fears of speaking in front of an audience, parents, and classmates. WhisperPhone Solo 和Duet 幫助你的學生有自信並克服在觀眾, 父母及同學前開口的心理障礙.

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6 F 華廈分租( 一房 )有電梯, 北區太原路永興街口, 3 房, 三房二廳一衛, 房租3,800 ( 含管理費 ), 水電另計, 限女性, contact no. 0917757859 ( line). Lydia Lin

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如何透過自我聲音的學習, Read Aloud. Hear Yourself. Learn Faster.  

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Edison Tutor Studio愛迪生美語才藝家教工作室

聖瑪莉諾美語 San Marino Educational Institute

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Edison Tutor Studio愛迪生美語才藝家教工作室

多位外籍具經驗教師, 免費試上10分鐘SKYPE線上美語會話口語課程!

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照片 699.jpg照片 700.jpg  針對文法, 寫作 及閱讀反覆練習, 讓學生達到熟能生巧的程度.

Edison Tutor Studio

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針對文法, 寫作 及閱讀反覆練習, 讓學生達到熟能生巧的程度.

Edison Tutor Studio

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照片 693.jpg照片 694.jpg    Edison Tutor Studio


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SKYPE/MSN English Conversation Class 美語線上

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A teacher somewhere in your neighbourhood tonight is preparing lessons to teach your children or marking work while you are watching television.

In the minute it takes you to read this teachers all over the world are using their "free time", and often investing their own money, for your child's literacy,

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Are you looking for reading books for young learners?

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照片 676.jpg照片 677.jpg照片.jpg  

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Skype美籍教師: 一對一 ( one student )每小時 500 ( 每人 )

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Edison Tutor Studio


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